The track can be used to test all kinds of Vehicles, at all conditions

Asia's largest and 5 largest testing track in the world.
High speed track which is 11.3 kms long
16 M wide with 4 lanes to go full on throttle
No testing limits on straight patch
In Brief
Government of India, yesterday had showcased Asia's largest testing track, which is called NATRAX(National Automotive test tracks) the track is spread around 2960 Acers.
Natrax offers in total 14 tracks which are
Dynamic Platform- 1.8 km long
Braking Track with 6 special surfaces like wet, dry
Handling track which is 3.6 kms long
Fatigue track with 8 different surfaces
Belgium Pave
Potholes and ditches
Twist track
Comfort track with 19 different surfaces
Sustainability track
Wet Skit Pad
Two-wheeler handling track
Gradient track
The high speed track is 11.3 kms long and 16 m wide, with 4 lanes making the car test it's limits at fullest. The car can have a neutral speed of 250 kms max speed of 375 km on the curves and can go full on throttle while on straight patches. The track has 0% longitudinal slope, making the track most perfect for measurement of speed and much more.The curves are parabolic making the car push hard on corners
From high speed to braking , from fuel consumption to top speed you name it and this track gets it all!. The Gov has claimed a sports car being tested at around 308 kms on the curve. From 2 wheeler to heavy loaded trucks, everything can be tested on this tracks.